This Dive site sometimes called Copton point, is best dived during the SW monsoon from May-December if the waves are high in Moalboal. Visibility can be better. Hard and soft corals are in abundance here. The dive starts with a gentle slope before hitting the top of the wall about 23m deep.

Ronda Bay
This is one of the top dive sites in Moalboal. There are two main dives here. The first a shallow dive starting at 5m deep where there is a hard and soft coral garden which slopes down to the edge of the wall at 23m. In the shallows there is a turtle cleaning station, where up to 10 turtles can be seen in a single dive. But don’t get excited too quickly, this isn’t the best spot for viewing turtles in Moalboal. The second dive at the Marine Sanctuary is a wall dive which starts at 23m and descends down to 40m near the bottom of the wall. There are massive sea fans standing errect from the wall, hiding a multitude of creatures such as baby dancing shrimp. There is a calmness to this dive site as it is well protected. Swimming in depths of approximately 30m are large (1m long) camoflague groupers. Probably residing here as the fenced area of the marine sanctuary is a zero fishing area.
Ronda Bay featured in the media
Ronda Bay Information
- District: Savedra, Moalboal
- Distance: 7km from Panagsama Beach
- Travel Time: 19min by banca boat
- GPS Coordinates: N.09° 59.750′ E.123° 23.000′
- Composition: Slope
- Snorkeling: Perfect
- Experience: Open Water Dive Course
- Visibility: 8-18m Current: 0-2 knots
- Interesting depth: 10-15m
- Marine life: Sea pen, spotted eagle ray, blacktipped reefshark and batfish. Plenty of different nudibranches.
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